Why Is There an Urgent Need for Sustainable Solutions?

Sustainable Solutions

Climate change is a serious problem for the entire planet right now. Ice caps are melting, and the sea level is rising. Animals are going extinct; marine life is being plagued by plastic. The big question lingers: What if nature can no longer replenish itself?

As of now, one of the biggest culprits for environmental destruction is carbon emissions. Carbon emissions refer to the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. While nature dictates that natural processes, such as decomposition and breathing releasing CO2, other unnatural sources are jeopardizing this balance.

The most notorious source of this is the burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels like coal are used to provide energy to power plants. Gas and oil make cars, trucks, buses, and planes running. Without knowing it, every single action that we make on this planet contributes to carbon emissions, and that becomes one’s carbon footprint.

Why do we need sustainability?

It’s simple: the world has created a norm that threatens the environment. It is the norm that drastically increases one’s carbon footprint with every move that they make.

“Sustainability” per se is a broad term. It can be economic, environmental, or social, but its main goal to provide for the present while ensuring the future does not suffer. Therefore, in the environmental sense, if the world goes at the same rate as carbon emissions and other hazards, the future might be bleak.


Take accountability

Part of the process of going sustainable is recognizing one’s habits that are detrimental to the environment. Whether it is banning single-use plastics, taking public transportation, or thrift shopping, these actions can germinate from simple recognition of mistakes.

Being sustainable can be applied at home, as 39% of carbon emissions come from building and construction. Sustainable construction is yet to be fully embraced by this massive industry. As of the moment, bamboo, recycled materials, “wool carpets, strawboard, cotton batt insulation, linoleum flooring, poplar OSB, sunflower seed board and wheatgrass cabinetry” are suggested for sustainability.

At home, energy saving is also eco-friendly. There are roofing companies that offer services and temperature-regulating roofing materials so that the HVAC does not need to exert too much effort. ENERGY STAR appliances are also available in the market.

Call for responsibility

There’s no doubt that individual action matters. However, one must not ignore that large corporations can be much more responsible for so much of the global emissions. According to The Guardian, 71% of carbon emissions come from companies alone. The burning of fossil fuels to sell energy, the running of hectares of factories, and worldwide shipping significantly contribute to the emissions.

As consumers, one thing we can do is demand action from these companies. With their resources, they can indeed find ways to innovate and discover a new way to provide the same services. One example would be H&M. They recycle tonnes of textiles to reuse on their fabrics.

The road to sustainability is not an easy path to take yet. However, as technology evolves, innovation is the current situation of the planet is not at all impossible. Right now, in this decade, people should opt for a sustainable lifestyle before it’s too late.




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