When Should You Call Professional Cleaners for Your House?

cleaning lady

Right now, you are looking around your house in dismay. You have been wanting to clean and organize things but haven’t quite yet figured out how you are going to do it. So, here you are standing in the middle of your living room and trying to make sense of how you let your house look this way. Okay, so you do have kids and it’s always hard to try to organize your home when you have toddlers running around and dragging their toys all-day.

Working a full-time job while tutoring your kids in their online lessons and balancing the household are not exactly the kind of activities that will leave you with the energy needed to get the house back in order. So, it is what it is. You do not have the time to clean and organize the house. Don’t feel bad. There are plenty of things more important than an organized home. Making sure your kids are happy and eating healthily is still on top of that list.

But if you do have to clean your house, should you do it yourself or is it finally time to call in professionals? When is it okay to clean the house yourself and when are the services of a professional cleaner in order? During this time, is it safe to hire professional cleaners?

When You Can Do House Cleaning Yourself

If you only need to organize documents, sweep the floor, and clean the bathroom, you can probably do that in one weekend. Hiring professional cleaners means that you’re willing to pay them around $15 to $40 per hour depending on the duties you will have them do, your location, and the size of your home. Normally, professional cleaners in larger cities will charge more while those in rural areas will charge less.

If you have the extra money to hire professional cleaners, do it. The money is worth the rest you can get on that weekend you were supposed to deep-clean the house. Besides, not only don’t you have the energy to do it, but you also don’t have the right machines, cleaning chemicals, and training.



When it comes to deep-cleaning carpets, you should call professional carpet cleaners. They use a different technique when cleaning carpets, especially if yours is an expensive Persian rug that’s worth thousands of dollars. You don’t ever want to clean carpets yourself. Not only is it such heavy work to do, but there’s also a special technique used to make sure the carpets don’t lose their beauty.

Fireplace and Chimney

Cleaning the fireplace and chimney will require a professional cleaner. You need equipment and protective gear to clean this part of your house. You might also be exposing yourself to certain chemicals, which is why you need professionals to do this cleaning for you.


While everything might look squeaky clean in the kitchen, you may not notice that there are already moulds growing under the sink. If you use hardwood flooring in your kitchen area, the wood may chip and expand when water and oil splashes get to it. This is why you need professional cleaners to look into the tight spots in your kitchen. You have to make sure that your house and the area where you prepare your food are not making you sick.


Check also your lawn. When was the last time you had it mowed? If the grass is too tall, don’t attempt to spend all day cutting and trimming it. You need to call a lawn or landscaping company that has the equipment needed to take care of your lawn. If you have a swimming pool, then that needs periodic maintenance, too.

Staying Safe During the Covid Pandemic

It is understandable if you don’t want to hire professional cleaners now because you are keeping your family as safe as they can be. However, living in a house with moulds, dust, pet dander, and dirt is more detrimental to your family’s health. You can instead ask the cleaners to wear a mask and a shield or a full personal protective equipment (PPE) suit.

There is no reason why you should force yourself to clean the house when you have money to pay for professional cleaners. Cleanliness is a major component of good health. If you are thinking about your family’s health, investing in cleaning services is one of the best things you can do for them right now. Plus, after all the work you’ve done, you deserve to rest on weekends and not slave around the house.




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