What Is Building Information Modeling?

buildings and the blue sky

If you’ve been considering developing your land or enhancing the look and feel of your building in Utah, you might have done some research. During your information gathering, you come across technical terms. One of these may be building information modeling.

Also known as BIM, it is one of the latest and effective processes of designing from beginning to end. It provides many benefits from cost reduction to the optimal utilization of resources, including labor.

What Is BIM?

BIM is a 3D-based process that covers multiple aspects of designing. These can include geographical location, core systems of the building, and the building’s relation to its environments such as roads and other structures around it. Contrary to popular belief, it is not only CAD (computer-aided design). It even goes beyond software. It only uses technology to bring its concept to life.

The definition of the building is also not limited to skyscrapers and other unique commercial structures. It can also refer to roads, bridges, and other construction projects. In turn, its benefits extend to other professionals such as:

  • Engineers
  • Project managers
  • Building owners
  • Urban planners
  • Government sectors

The Key Is Information

contractor discussing the building

One of the reasons for the growth and popularity of BIM is “information.” Unlike other processes, it provides a wide array of data that can help in the following:

  • Effectively plan the design and approach toward construction
  • Carefully estimate the costs of the project
  • Correctly assign resources such as equipment and labor
  • Minimize the impact of the construction on its surroundings and humans
  • Improve the design to make it more sustainable and beneficial to users
  • Ensure efficient management of the project
  • Identify the best models for its components such as heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning, electricity, and other forms of utilities
  • Anticipate possible problems that can arise during construction

To generate the right information, BIM practitioners also use other tools and employ procedures such as 3D laser-scanning services in Utah. In this process, laser beams help create multiple data points quickly and effectively. These data create more accurate representations of the surroundings during surveying. The information it collects is also easy to integrate into a BIM program, which is why they both work hand in hand.

Recognizing the Challenges

In spite of the benefits of BIM, it is not a perfect system. For example, it is still not a standard in architecture or engineering. It means a contractor might not use it. In turn, you can see the positive impact of the model only when you can maximize it. BIM is also an excellent tool for collaboration. As long as everyone uses the same program and has access to the details of the project, it’s easy to work as a team. But it also makes it prone to unauthorized changes, which can delay or even derail the project.

Like other modeling programs, it can only provide you with an overview of the finished product. It cannot foresee all problems that can occur during the actual building. It can have challenges, but overall, BIM’s benefits outweigh the risks. Many of its limitations can also be controllable as long as you work with the right team.




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