Tricks for Laying Out a Tarp on a Roof


Corrugating a plastic roof can help protect the interior of a home from being exposed to elements caused by a damaged roof or skylight. If you have corrugated plastic roofing for your home in the UK, you can prevent your plastic roof from wearing out and protect vents from rain damage for almost three months.

A tarp means that a roof is protected from rain or any other harmful element, allowing homeowners to schedule repairs later on. Unfortunately, homeowners often overlook small aspects of their plastic roofs such as roof venting pipes, which later on develop into significant problems. Below are ways to tarp a roof to try to protect the interior of a home:

Find the Point of Damage

A homeowner can use their ladder to climb to their rooftop to try to find out where their roof is damaged. For a steep roof, experts recommend examining it while on the ladder. Take time to inspect the entire roof and clear any scattered debris and repair damaged tiles. More than one section of a plastic roof can be damaged, and in such a case, experts recommend examining the roof from the attic. Water stains on the ceiling are a sign that something is amiss with your roof.

Measure the Size of the Damaged Section

If possible, get onto the top of the roof, kneel, and unroll a tape to measure the size of the damaged part. Don’t leave any points of a damaged roof unmeasured, and make sure that your dimensions are precise. Then is the right time for any homeowner who doesn’t know the size of their plastic roof to note them down.

Take Photos of the Damaged Sections

corrugated plastic roof

With a camera or smartphone, take as many photos of the damaged surface as you can. With these photos, it should be easier to work with a home insurance company. Having these pictures also means that a homeowner will buy a tarp that is large enough to fit their roof.

Buy a Fitting Tarp

Many hardware stores deal with roof tarps of different sizes, materials, and quality. Experts recommend buying a tarp that is a little larger than the damaged surface. While most tarps cover the larger part of the roof, be sure to measure it so that it covers the damaged surface. Seek guidance from a professional roof installation contractor if you are uncertain about anything.

Nothing is dangerous than repairing a damaged roof. Homeowners who want to fix their roofs by themselves instead of hiring a roofing contractor should invest in appropriate safety equipment. A firm ladder, a helmet, thick gloves, a pair of boots, a high-visibility vest, and protective gloves are all essential for a safe and successful roof repair project.

Enlist the help of a friend or relative if you want to tarp a roof without the intervention of a professional contractor. Laying out a tarp on a steep roof can be dangerous, but with an extra person to help with menial work, the entire project should be safe. Just make sure that there is someone around to help you in case of an emergency.




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