2021: Practical Home Improvement Projects to Start This Year

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2021 continues to spark an interest in many of us to remodel, renovate, and reconfigure our indoor and outdoor spaces. We now find it necessary to make room for all the activities that we now do at home: running a business, working from home, attending online classes, kids’ school, fitness, and exercise, among others.

The experience propelled many of us to reassess and consider re-configuring our spaces to fit our new lifestyle, as work, personal life, and extra-curricular activities all take place in our homes now.

Despite the current economic climate, updating your home still makes a good investment, especially this year. Once the market bounces back, your home improvement efforts will have added more value to your home, which you can recoup and even profit from, in case you plan to sell your property in the future.

Update Your Indoor Space

This year, owner-occupied home remodeling projects continue to be buoyed up by the desire of homeowners to make telecommute and their stay-at-home experience more comfortable. With the ongoing effects of the pandemic, we continue to spend a considerable amount of time indoors, as we continue to work and do our “errands” in the safety and comfort of our homes. On top of that, we now do our shopping and even attend classes over the internet, which calls for a designated space for all these activities at home.

Turning an idle corner into a workspace, converting a room into a home office or gym, creating a small area for home entertainment are some, if not the most popular home improvements and remodeling projects are done from last year until today. Even if a homeowner has no intention to sell their property, they can benefit from these changes by having a comfortable place to stay in. That is also a form of recouping your invested money in remodeling and updating your home.

Refresh Your Outdoor Space

Last year’s most popular outdoor project is exterior painting. It was a quick and efficient way of making a home look new. A paint job well done can instantly transform the look of the home on the outside.

If you’re tired of your current wall color or your walls are really due for repainting, it would be a good time to slap on a fresh coat of neutral paint colors to give your home a sleek new look.

If the outdoor paint is starting to bubble or peel off, it’s best to change the paint now and have it done while it’s still summer. Painting during the cooler months can trap moisture in the walls, preventing the paint from drying properly.

This can cause the coat of paint to crack, lift, and detach from the wall surface. This results in the paint peeling off, water spotting when using latex paint, and poor color uniformity due to the slowness and variation in drying time.

Before the summer ends, make sure to complete the paintwork. This project, despite being the easiest and most affordable option, delivers a huge positive impact on the overall appearance and appeal of your home.

Replace and Refinish Flooring

home interior renovation

If you’re renting or living in an older property, chances are you’ve got carpeted floors everywhere in your home. In most cases, these tired and rugged carpets hide fabulous wooden floors underneath them.

However, some landlords restrict changes on the flooring, so before jumping into a renovation project, it’s best to ask your landlord first and see how they feel about refinishing the old flooring.

Wooden floors never go out of style and can last decades, even centuries, with proper care and maintenance. In some cases, however, wooden floors that have been covered too long may show signs of damage in some areas.

This can be due to water damage, mites, and lack of maintenance before it was completely covered up with carpet. Damaged planks must be replaced before it starts rotting and affecting other areas of the floor.

Fortunately, replacing old wood flooring is a relatively cheap renovation project.   The same can be said with refinishing old wood floors. Once the wood is replaced, treated, and refinished, you’ll see a massive improvement in your indoor space.

Not only does it enhance the beauty of your indoor space, but it also adds value to your property.

With the new lifestyle and normal setting in, this year is the perfect time to start or complete your home remodeling and renovation projects, if you haven’t yet.

Making improvements in your home will surely add value to your property and give you a more comfortable space to work and relax in, all year long.

And if you do decide to sell in the future, you can be sure to recoup your investment, as the home improvements mentioned here are relatively affordable and prove to be the most profitable ones.




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