Making Your Home Pretty Not Just on the Inside

Nice home exterior with car port

Yes, we all want a home that is unique and stands out among the others. But, it’s also important to blend with the neighborhood and the entire surroundings. So, how do you achieve that interesting balance? After all, designing a home’s exteriors can be one complex task.

You have all the colors, materials, lines and shapes to consider. Have you ever seen a home that made you stop in your tracks or made your jaws drop on the floor? It’s most likely because the designers incorporated some critical principles in the overall design.

There are certain “rules” on interior and exterior home design that homeowners can rely on to achieve that visually appealing home.  Here are some of them.

Shapes and Symmetry: Creating a Balance

As with all types of design, symmetry and balance are two factors that play a huge role in creating a well-designed living space. While not everything has to match, a home’s facade should have a semblance of symmetry and balance to look cohesive and immediately draw the attention of passersby.

Think about a Georgian home, for example. The door is placed right in the center, while two windows of similar size and shake flank either side for that symmetrical appeal. If you don’t want such a straightforward approach, how about calling some roofers here in Utah County?

They can get your roof some pointed liners or dormers to create balance. Remember, your home exteriors should look proportional. Even subtle hints of symmetry also work.

nice patio outside the house

Exterior Colors: Making the Right Combinations

All the available color choices for home design may leave you feeling overwhelmed at first. If choosing the perfect colors for your interiors is already challenging enough, it can be more complicated if it’s for the exteriors. Should you stick to a safe, basic choice or go bolder?

Keep in mind that your color choice can either hide your home’s flaws or draw unnecessary attention to them. A simple yet effective method of color placement is to choose two shades or tints from the same color strip but only a few shades apart.

Choose which of the two shade – the lighter one or the darker one – should be for the body and for the trim. Then, choose one contrasting accent color for the door for that statement.

Form and Function: Sticking to the Right Order

This one is fairly easy to understand: “form follows function.” This simply means that the purpose of any property should always be the starting point of any design planning. So, ask yourself the following questions: How exactly do you plan to use your current home? What is its purpose?

Think carefully about the needs of the members of your family so you can accommodate them adequately before you decide on what you should and shouldn’t have.

Your exterior home design should also reflect your chosen interior designs’ form. For example, if you’re an artist that needs a lot of natural lighting to either paint or sculpt, then go for larger windows. This is also true if you’re a gardening enthusiast and want to enjoy a view of your outdoors even when you’re inside.




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