Make Your Home Better with These Materials

Now that the exterior of your house is done, you have to do some decorating inside. The interior of your home is another matter. For the outside, you might be more concerned about how tough the material is. Inside, it is more a decorative choice. If you want something more than bare concrete walls, here are a few materials that you can use to make your house look better:

Leather Tiles


These are a unique choice. Many leather items are thrown away every day, and some enterprising makers have gathered them and started making tiles from them. Similar to cork or vinyl, leather tiles are a great way to change the acoustics of a room while giving the room a soft and friendly look. You can use them for floors and walls, though floor leather will require regular waxing and cleaning to ensure that they stay in good condition.

Plywood Panels

Wood paneling is nothing new. Many people use them to give a room a homey and traditional look, especially with expensive timbers. However, plywood is a bit different. Layered wood glued together in sheets create a surprisingly sturdy material. The great thing about them is that they are affordable wood choices instead of timber. Plus, plywood interior lining is easy to get in New Zealand and other places.

Stainless Steel

This is ideal for those who want a more modern and industrial look. Though it is not great for wall paneling, stainless steel supports are a great way to give your stairs a sci-fi look. You can use them as mesh screens so that rooms stay divided while allowing visibility. This is great for what you will use as your main receiving room.


Though most people think of glass for windows, you will want to mix it with your general décor. Use glass as countertops or to protect your tables. Glass mirrors can help make a room seem bigger, which is an advantage for smaller houses. You can combine it with colored glass to make rooms have that unique color at certain times of the day.

Bricks and Cinder Blocks

Bricks might not seem like an improvement over concrete walls, but you can create a charming illusion of blocks for your interior. A red brick wall looks pretty traditional, while white cinder blocks give a vaguely industrial look. For lofts and apartments, this can be a good look. Don’t use glossy paint to cover them; use something more subdued so that the atmosphere they present is that of a functional home environment. Combine it with wood to create a workshop atmosphere if you’re the arty sort.


Brick stone wall

There is something distinct about stones over concrete: greater solidity and a sense of weight. Use gypsum, marble, or granite for their lovely patterns and how they work as great countertops or tables. They are very heat-absorbent and are easy to clean, too.

Your house’s interior needs to reflect your tastes. This is why you should take a look at the materials suggested above and see which of them best fits your new home. Your home is your refuge, and you deserve interiors that are both relaxing and impressive.




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