The Life of HVAC: How to Start a Business in the HVAC Industry

man fixing an HVAC unit

We all need some heating and air conditioning in our lives. This is why the HVAC industry is one of the largest in the world. But, as someone interested in entering the industry, you might be thinking, what are the qualifications, and how can I make my business a success? Well, you’ve come into the right place. In this article, we will explore the HVAC industry and how you can get started.

The HVAC Industry

The HVAC market is a sub-sector of the home services industry. It’s estimated to be worth $127 billion and is expected to grow with a compound annual growth rate of 5% in the coming years. The market itself is segmented into three parts: heating, cooling, and ventilation, with cooling having the highest revenue annually among the rest.

Additionally, the industry has two main markets, namely, the residential and the commercial market. Residential has a 40% share of the overall market, while commercial has the remaining share. This information is important when you’re choosing which sector you want to be in.

Overall, the HVAC industry is primed for the future. It’s rising alongside smart technology, and various people worldwide continue the need for HVAC systems in the world. In addition, experts believe that the more houses are being built in the US, the more demand for HVAC services. So now that’s out of the way, let’s talk about how you can get started in this field.


Licensure is important if you want to get any jobs in the home services industry, and it’s the same for the HVAC market. You’re going to need to apply for it in your state.

Much like any career, there are regulations in the HVAC industry. This is why you must first get yourself licensed as a general contractor before you do any HVAC jobs. This is for two main reasons: to protect your client and to protect your business from any misdeeds. Working without any license is going to be disastrous. Depending on your state, you might need a specialty HVAC license. We suggest you get that as well.

Licensing and certifications will help clients trust your brand. Once this trust develops, your business will grow by word of mouth, and eventually, you’ll have more jobs than you can handle. But that doesn’t mean that you should take every job that comes your way.

man fixing an HVAC condensing unit

Avoid Taking Every Job

The HVAC market is saturated with so many opportunities, but you need to be patient for the right one. Don’t concentrate on quantity (low-paying jobs). Instead, concentrate on quality (high-paying jobs). If you work too much with low-paying jobs, you’re likely to burn yourself out. Sure, they might only take a couple of hours of your day, but they’re usually simple enough for any other contractor to do it.

The key to success in this field is to take high-paying jobs that take up most of your time. These kinds of jobs will motivate you because of their challenge, and it’s also rewarding because you get paid a lot more. If you don’t know where to find high-paying jobs, look for them in the construction sector. There’s bound to be a couple of them there.

Build Long-term Relationships

In some situations, it might be worth doing some jobs pro-bono because of the relationships they entail in the long run. Think of it as a business investment. The HVAC industry is all about word-of-mouth, and if you invest in long-term relationships, the more likely you’ll have access to high-quality and high-paying jobs. So as a start-up, consider building long-term relationships as one of your main priorities.

Be Prepared for Downtime

Sadly, the HVAC industry is highly affected by seasonal changes. For example, cooling is in demand during summer, but not so much in winter. This means that you’re going to need to specialize in every single aspect of the industry.

You’re going to need certification for heating, cooling, and ventilation so that you’ll have a job no matter the season. However, this also means you’re going to need all sorts of equipment for each segment. But that’s an investment you should be willing to make if you want to expand your company further.

Consider Expanding to Other Industries

Lastly, you should consider opening your doors to other contracting jobs. It’s not that hard to get a license on painting or garage door repair. These are options you have if you don’t want to lose money due to downtime. Having a license in all parts of the contracting business means that you can get revenue no matter what.

By following these suggestions, you can become a successful HVAC company. It might be rough at first, but eventually, you can make it on top of your local market as long as you work hard and keep attaining your goals for the year.




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