A House Makeover: Suggestions for Making Your Home Special

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Are you planning to become a homeowner by buying a house or having one built from the ground up? Or maybe you’ve been a homeowner for a while, but you’re thinking of a home improvement project to give your house a makeover?

Whether you’re a first-time or a long-time homeowner, you’ve come to the right place. Learn some useful tips that can help make you truly feel that there’s no place like home. Check out four of them below.

Make your home secure

As your home should be the one place you feel safe and protected, the first thing you need to do is make sure your house is secure. Obviously, your doors and windows need to have locks. For your doors, go for locks that require codes for access, and that can be connected to your smartphone so that you can lock your doors remotely.

Depending on the type of windows, you can secure these access points with sash, pin, track, bar, or stop locks. You can invest in a smart home security system, complete with alarms and surveillance cameras, to better secure your home as well.

A secure house, however, also means minimizing hazards at home. You can, for example, use anti-slip stair nosing to prevent accidents. If you’ve got a pool, find out about the prices of aluminum pool fences and consider installing this feature as a safety measure.

Make your home relaxing

Aside from being safe, you should also feel relaxed in your house. Your home, after all, is where you sleep, rest, and recharge. Start with your bedroom. Paint your walls in soothing colors like sea blue, pastel purple, or muted gray.

Don’t forget about your bed. Make sure you have the most suitable mattress and pillows so that you can get quality rest and sleep. Next to your bedroom, your living room must likewise be a place where you can relax. Help ensure that your living area is relaxing by adding some key features. For one, you can use rugs and throw pillows to make the room cozier.

Plants can be soothing as well, so place some of the indoor variety in your living room. Better yet, have an indoor wall fountain installed and enjoy the relaxing sight and sound of flowing water right in your own living room.

Make your home fun

home interior

It goes without saying that your home should be a fun place for you as well. This will keep you from getting bored while at home, which is especially important nowadays when you’re probably spending a lot of time at home because of the COVID-19 pandemic. So how do you make your home fun? This depends on your interests.

If your idea of fun is working out every day, then why not have a home gym? Buy a weight bench, some weights, a rowing machine, a multi-station home gym equipment, etc., and get your workout fix every day at home.

Or maybe you love cookouts. Make sure, then, that your patio has an area for a grill station. It’ll even be better if the area has a table and some chairs or an island with stools so you can regularly enjoy cookouts with your family and friends.

Make your home attractive

Lastly, your home should be pleasing to the eye. Remember, though, that your house doesn’t have to be big or feature the latest in architectural design and home interior decoration to be attractive. The elements in your home need to go well together. A great color scheme, for one, will work wonders for your home’s appearance.

For the color scheme, you can use the 60-30-10 Rule as a guide: 60% main color, 30% secondary, and 10% accent. Take note of the patterns featured in your house as well. If your sofa has patterned upholstery, for example, the curtains, rugs, or throw pillows will have to be plain so your living room won’t look too busy.

But there’s a simple way to make your home attractive: keeping it clean and tidy. So avoid clutter, keep things in their proper places, and regularly give your house a good scrub.

No Place like Home

Remember that your home is where you rest and recharge. You also spend time with your family and friends there. So whether you’re a new or an old homeowner, you should make sure that your home is a special place for you. Help yourself do this by making your home secure, relaxing, fun, and attractive. You’ll find that there’s no place like home.




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