Home Renovation Trends You Should Know About

person fixing a wall

The pandemic has increased people’s interest in discovering hobbies that they never gave much thought to before 2020. As the lockdowns caused everyone’s lives to become uneventful, home renovations became a trend, driving the industry to boom. Despite the economic crisis, there was suddenly a huge demand for gardening supplies, renovation tools, Jacuzzi or hot tub parts, tiles, cement, paint, and more.

Based on reports and studies in 2020, an estimated 57% of homeowners in the U.S. joined the home renovation club. And based on more recent surveys, the home renovation trend will possibly continue until the foreseeable pandemic-torn future, as 71% of homeowners claimed they wouldn’t stop making their houses homier.

The Home Renovation Trends You Should Seriously Consider

If you haven’t joined this home renovation trend yet, then you’re missing out on a lot of things that are good for you and your home. You might as well do it while you have so much time in your hands. In case you need some inspiration, here are what many homeowners have been up to:

  • Smart and sustainable home device installation

Besides the pandemic, there are other serious global issues like the climate crisis threatening everyone’s way of life and future. This problem is why going green and becoming sustainable is also a slowly growing trend, hence the increasing number of homeowners converting their houses into smart and sustainable homes.

Smart home automation is a technology that allows you to control your house’s functions like electricity, light, and temperature remotely using a mobile device connected to their switch. It will enable you to save energy by consuming less when you aren’t using your appliances. It also allows your house to have more security as this technology enables you to manage your house’s locks and camera through a wireless system, which you can control with a press of a button.

Lastly, more homeowners also installed solar panels and other devices in their houses to have a cleaner energy source. It might not be a cheap and easy trend to get into and do by yourself, but it’s a rewarding movement to be a part of when you know you’re doing the environment and the entire planet a favor.

  • Indoor and outdoor gardening

a green garden

If you’ve been keeping up with the pandemic trends, you are probably also aware that gardening is another trend on the rise. This activity isn’t becoming more popular only for home decoration purposes, but also for its mental and physical health benefits. It allows you to have vitamin D, which could boost your overall mood while keeping you active and lessening your risks to diseases like diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, and more.

Gardening adds more style to your house’s interior and adds life to every corner — literally speaking. Besides this, you can also make use of your backyard if you decide to take your gardening to the next level and start a proper garden where you can grow bigger plants and even grow your food. If you ended up doing it, then give yourself a pat on the back as you didn’t let the Covid-19 pandemic break your spirit and green thumb.

  • Giving rooms more than one purpose

The pandemic’s new normal has introduced numerous trends to everyone, and remote working is probably the zeitgeist of this era. Suddenly, everyone is using Zoom to go to work and have their job interviews and meetings. This trend has also started another movement of people making rooms in their houses appear like their cubicle at work. Doing this gives their rooms a more work-at-home feel, which increases productivity, and lets you have a more formal-looking background when on Zoom calls.

Another reason people want to give a second purpose to their rooms is that the lockdowns and social distancing measures made people miss the outside world the more they spend time inside their houses. It is a natural response to the isolation that many people turned their porches and patios into an area where they could hang out and do some people-watching while still keeping their distance. It’s also common to see many people turning their dining rooms into something that looks like their favorite restaurant since many of them miss the ambiance of being in one.

Everyone misses their pre-pandemic lives, but you can miss it less when you give your home a pre-pandemic makeover.

Era Of Instagrammable Houses

With all these home renovation trends giving people more inspiration, it looks like everyone will be coming out of this pandemic with an Instagrammable house. Keep up the housework.





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