Guide to Cleaning and Disinfecting Households

household chores

Some research organizations said that environmental hygiene affects people’s health and wellness.  There is news about improper hygiene that causes mood swings. Improper hygiene also irritates surroundings.

Proper cleaning and disinfection are great initiatives to fight bacteria and viruses. Some experts say that cleaning is far different from disinfection. Cleaning only removes dirt and stains. But disinfecting is getting rid of the virus from surfaces and air.

Many experts can provide advice. Experienced environmental hygiene contractors suggest thorough cleaning and water testing for big households.  These experts have a profound experience when dealing with sanitation. Others like pest control experts would suggest keeping food in proper storage. This strategy prevents pests away and does not bring viruses and bacteria.

But what are the other steps to make the house clean and disinfected? How do people clean their homes and avoid viruses? These steps will help people maintain their safety and away from virus infection. Here are some effective cleaning and hygiene tips for everybody:

Follow directions on labels of disinfectants

Experts suggest following the directions on product labels. Guidelines to use those disinfectant products could help clean the household. Some steps also remind users about actions that people need to prevent.

People should also be mindful of the things they use for disinfection. Some labels say that it kills 99.99% of germs, but people should know how to use them properly. Some solutions need a particular percentage to become effective.

It is best to ask experts or research the contents of the product to ensure safety and effectiveness. Some solutions may be harmful to people who have asthma or respiratory illnesses. Be sure to read labels first to avoid unnecessary setbacks.

Use proper clothing or tools when cleaning or disinfecting

Cleaning and disinfecting homes are not just about making your house safe. It is also keeping you and your family from harm. It is better to use proper clothing or tools to ensure safety while doing the task. Gloves will be the first thing to use when using disinfectants. Some chemicals may be harmful. They could contain a high concentration of substances altogether. It may cause skin irritation and even be harmful to the eyes.

People may also use goggles to prevent eyes from irritation. Fumes from concentrated solutions could affect the eyes. It may lead to temporary blindness or eye infection.

The most advisable thing to do is to wear a face mask. Disinfectant solutions may produce an unwanted odor. Those odors may be due to a high concentration of pure chemicals. Chemicals are likely concentrated when a strong smell comes out of them. It could be from high amounts of acid or chlorine.  It is better to protect yourself by wearing the necessary clothing.

Proper clothing when cleaning will also avoid infection from the virus or bacteria. Wearing gloves and masks prevent bacteria or viruses from entering parts of the skin. A surgical mask has 67% protection. So better wear a double surgical mask for the greatest protection.


Clean and disinfect common areas and surfaces

One great way to disinfect a home is to clean common areas. These areas are the habitual places where the family would touch or lie down. One example is the couch in the living room, where kids would usually relax. The household could spray disinfectant solution to the furniture, including the pillows.

Surfaces such as doorknobs and TV remote controls are as delicate as the other common areas. These things could also spread bacteria and viruses among other people.

Check the surface after wiping it with wet disinfected towels. The solution should stay on the surface for at least 4 minutes until it dries up. It is a sign that the chemical solution will stay on the surface for a period.

Clean the utensils, dishes, and glassware

Among the most common things that people use are utensils and dishes. People use these tools all the time, and utensils are things they put in their mouths. That said, people need to clean these tools at all times.

Hand washers at home will make releases a temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit. These machines keep the dishes sanitized automatically. But a thorough cleaning is a need for those who manually wash their dishes. Wash the dishes casually, then put one tablespoon of non-scented bleach in a gallon of water. Soak the dishes in the solution and allow the air to dry them. This process will get rid of bacteria and viruses to stay on the dishes.

Cleaning and disinfecting the household can be time-consuming. But it pays off as long as people know they protect themselves from bacteria and viruses. Remember that people do this not only for their homes. But for their family’s safety and protection




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