The Most Suitable Furniture For Pet Owners

Becoming a pet parent is not for everyone. And, when you decided to give a loving home to your fur baby, you knew it was not going to be an easy ride training them how to behave especially in the house and all the vulnerable objects that could topple over because of their frisky disposition. You could train them to be the most composed pet out there, but owning a pet means you also need to embrace the reality that they will still scratch or leave dirt on your furniture.

Saran wrapping your couches and foiling your countertops are just too impractical, right? Either you learn how to effectively clean your stained furniture without ruining it or place ones that are more suitable for pet-rearing homes. For the latter, here are some tips to help you choose your next set of furniture:


Fabrics like velvet, suede, and silk are all acclaimed for their luxurious appearance and texture. Regardless of their color or whether you use it for your curtains, table runners, ottomans, or couches, they never fail to add a royal vibe to an otherwise plain interior design. On the other hand, these materials with a premium feel are also notorious for being the toughest to maintain.

They easily absorb stains and even tiny water spills could leave stubborn marks. Besides, the dust and fur they attract prove even an entire roll of lint remover is inadequate for removing them. This makes them perhaps the worst choice for homes with pets.

What you would rather your couches be are those weaved using the best techniques. These so-called tight weave fabrics specifically made for seating furniture are manufactured to withstand the toughest handling whether by human hands or pet paws. Spot cleaning these are also as easy as vacuuming off the debris and brushing the area with soap or baking soda solution. Common examples of tight weave fabrics include satin, duck, denim, and cotton.

When purchasing upholstery for new furniture, you can check for yourself how well-made the fabric is by requesting a sample and raising it against a light source. What you want to see are minimal to no holes through which light could pass through. That is how you know how tight the weave was done and, in turn, how durable the material was done.

And, since you are living with a pet, that is twice the likelihood of your furniture getting stained, you want to choose darker colors of fabric. Some types of tight weave fabric like canvas are relatively cheap, and so promise you significant savings. Replacing them after being worn out would not be as painful as with leather either.

choosing pet furniture


Microfiber cloth is another type of fabric that deserves its exclusive shout-out. Aside from its posh suede-like texture, it boasts a high resistance to scratches due to the particular loop-free way it is manufactured. It is relatively cheaper than leather while also being easy to clean with some soap solution.


Leather is another durable material choice for furniture covering. Authentic ones are gifts that will continue giving as they get tougher through time and consistent use. Although it falls victim to pets, especially cats who can’t resist their urge to scratch, its appearance does not deteriorate but appears better in its weathered form.

Upkeep is just as easy with the help of a wiping cloth and vacuum cleaner for accumulated dust and a damp cloth for wiping off stubborn dirt. Spray leather conditioners are also widely available in the market, so preserving their quality shouldn’t be an issue. Leather upholstery will cost you a lot upfront, but you can guarantee the value spreads out across its long economic life.

For Outdoor Furniture

Choosing the correct fabric for your outdoor furniture goes for whether you have a pet. For safety reasons, you want a material that’s manufactured specifically to withstand outdoor elements. Aside from choosing a fabric that wicks moisture away, you want to choose a color that will still flatter your furniture even when it fades.


The last place you want your pet fur on is your food or skid marks in display areas, and so you would do anything to keep them away from places like countertops. One proven effective way is by placing a static-emitting mat on these countertops. These mats emit subtle static shocks that make for effectively training your pets from setting foot on furniture you want them to stay away from.

Owning pets means embracing them for who and what they are and, yes, that includes being patient with their energy spurts and consequent mess. You don’t have to follow their every move, though, especially around your priced furniture if you choose those made with pet-friendly materials.




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