Work Better in a Cleaner, More Organised Workspace

work station

Your office environment will always affect your productivity. An organised office desk can make you have a positive mood, help you be in control, eliminate distraction and position you for excellence and success. Here are some tips on organising your workstation whether you work in a huge office in Melbourne or a startup firm in Brisbane.

1. De-clutter your space

Workstations can sometimes become the dumpsite for files and documents that are obsolete. Thus, it is essential to purge your workstation every once or twice in a month to remove items that are no longer in use. Doing so will free up more space for yourself and any ongoing project. Shred, empty and dispose of anything that you no longer need. Also, don’t forget the little things, such as plants and decorations, that could be making your workstation too cluttered.

2. Rearrange your newly purged workstation

After de-cluttering your workstation, you need to evaluate the layout of your furniture and see if it works for you. Often, a change of scene will boost your productivity, morale and creativity. So, rearrange and optimise the position of your furniture, files and equipment to easily access them. For files and equipment, you can consider keeping them in storage boxes to have a tidy workspace.

3. Partition your workspace


Often, your project might require you to have different spaces and tools that will trigger better output. It would be essential to consider partitioning your workstation into non-computer and computer work areas. This would be helpful, especially when you want to achieve the target that requires you to stay away from your computer-based workspace to avoid distractions. Even if you have one desk, you can still segment your work area to achieve your desired output.

4. Add some personal touch

Having a few personal touches in your workstation can help you stay motivated. Personal touches can include inspirational quotes or photos of children or pets. These items serve as a reminder to stay motivated and inspired, especially during difficult times and when working on hard projects. However, don’t go overboard with such items to avoid your workstation looking messy and unprofessional.

5. Reduce visual clutter

Your workstation may be neat in terms of the arrangement of furniture, files and equipment. However, there are tiny details that are quite observable yet often forgotten when organising your workspace. These include wires from the monitors, computers, laptops and chargers. Hiding these messy wires is essential. You can use binder clips to group them and get them out of sight. Also, avoid having too many sticky notes on your desk or computer monitors. Such visual clutter can easily shift your focus away from more important things.

These are great tips for every individual employee. But if you manage an entire office, consult or hire an experienced company with experience in designing and creating inspiring workstations. Look for a professional company that not only works on designing workspaces but also creates modern design furniture for firms. A well designed and organised workstation will not only improve you and your team’s productivity but also inspire all of you to achieve your goals.




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