Easy, Simple Ways to Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal

home curb

First impressions are important, especially if you want to boost your house’s curb appeal. Curb appeal can raise the value of a house, making it appealing to buyers if you plan to sell it in the future. Plus, it is a fantastic way to impress your guests. Here are some practical ways you can enhance the exterior of your home.

Freshen Up the Front Door

The front door is the ideal focal point for many homes, so it may be time to give your front door a new look. You can install a new doorknob or get it repaired to fix any cracks in the wood. If you want to make a huge impact, you can repaint your door. Each color you choose will create a different effect. For instance, red is a stimulating color, orange can make people feel happy, and black evokes mystery and encourages reflection.

Have Roof Repairs

If your roof looks great, no one will pay much mind to it. However, if there is something wrong with your roof, people will likely notice it. Check your roof if there are a few shingles that need to get fixed, and see if you need to address any cracks or leaks. However, if your roof has gone through a lot of damage (say, you live in New Orleans, and your home has endured many storms), it’s time to hire professional roof installers to replace your roof.

Add Window Boxes

If you feel like your home lacks a bit of personality, then adding window boxes can be a quick solution to that. It is an efficient way to soften any parts that look too boxy while adding a touch of color. If you do not want to buy plastic boxes, you can make your window boxes by lining plastic on leftover lumber, a vintage tin vessel that is long and narrow, or even a basket. You can create an overflowing effect by putting trailing plants in the window boxes.

Add Greenery

home front with plantsOf course, greenery is a fantastic way to boost your curb appeal. Before you start adding more plants, make sure you remove any weeds and junk lying on your front yard. You also need to trim bushes and mow the lawn to keep everything well-manicured and neat. It’s a good idea to choose low maintenance plants, ornamental grasses, and shrubs for your front lawn. These low-maintenance options can add a lot of color and style without much effort.

Add Outdoor Furniture

If you want a quick way to add a relaxing area, place a chair or bench to your lawn, porch, or front steps. It boosts curb appeal while offering you a place to relax after work or school. If you want to take it up a notch, you can add more furniture, such as a picnic table. However, do not overcrowd the front of your home — remember, less is more.

It does not take a lot of effort to beautify your home. You can try out any of the tips above to increase your curb appeal.




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