What You Need to Know When Getting Your Walls Renovated

Man renovating his walls with his dog beside him

There will come a time when you will want to renovate the walls of your home for a fresher, modern aesthetic. Time and weather could have already left your walls looking far too dated, and in some cases, mouldy. This is when it’s time to get your walls renovated.

Below, we’ll provide a guide on what you need to know when starting this project. You’ll understand the type of plastering and drylining tools needed, the purpose of different paints or wallpapers, and the right professional to hire for the job.

Know that you’re hiring the right people

Every home requires different specialisations. You may be living in an old house and have walls that are so unique you want something done with them (and fast), which need an extra pair of hands and skills and knowledge.

When choosing to hire an expert to do your wall renovations, it’s important to first confirm that they know what they are doing. Check that they have the experience of handling a project similar to yours. This is to confirm that they understand the materials your home is built from, and how the science behind the insulation of your walls work.

Know your materials

To achieve the best results, it’s important to guarantee that you’re not using anything mediocre or low in quality when renovating your walls. Choose the best of plastering and drylining tools to achieve the stunning finish you’re looking for.

When it comes to the paint, there are different finishes to choose from. The most commonly used are matte and matte enamel. The main difference between the two is that matte needs more than one coat to get a solid colour, but the finish is clean and modern and it is perfect for covering up imperfections and dents on your wall. Matte enamel, on the other hand, is more durable in a sense that it is not as easily marked as matte and it’s easier to clean. At the end of the day, both paint types are great, so it all boils down to what you prefer.

Know your wallpaper

2 workers renvating the walls

If you’re opting to have a wallpaper, you need to check the quality. Wallpapers with woven backing are harder to apply, but will also last longer since they don’t peel off as easily. Non-woven wallpapers are easier to apply, but they can also be damaged easily and ripped-off. What you choose depends on what space you’ll use it for.

Another valuable tip when choosing wallpaper is sticking to patterns that can easily be matched and aligned with one another. If you choose something complicated with small patterns, it will take longer to align them perfectly to make the design look seamlessly aligned.

With a great wall renovation project, you can have your home looking as good as new in just a couple of days. You can choose to do this before you plan to sell your house to add value to it or you can just have this done for yourself and your family. Either way, everyone deserves a beautiful home.




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