What This Christmas Would Be Like for Everyone

Family celebrating Christmas

We survived the last six months, waiting for a cure to the COVID-19 infection. We are glad that we are alive, but we mourn other’s death due to the virus. For most of us, things will never be the same, including the upcoming Christmas season.

Before the virus hits the world, people are always excited to prepare for Christmas. It’s one of the most-awaited days of the year for many people across the globe. It’s even celebrated for several months in some countries. That’s how special the Christmas season is for many. But now that the world is filled with fear and uncertainty, Christmas won’t probably be the same.

Find out what it would be like to celebrate Christmas in a difficult time like this.

Perhaps, fewer Guests and Less Food

We used to celebrate Christmas with as many friends and relatives as possible. We even invite people from hundreds or thousands of miles away just to welcome Christmas Eve and enjoy a variety of dishes. This time, things might be a little different because of the coronavirus outbreak.

Governments encourage people to avoid gatherings so that we can prevent the rapid spread of the disease. That means there will be fewer guests during Christmas and fewer food choices. That is a safer and more affordable way to celebrate the holidays, but it might feel a little lonelier because some of us won’t see our distant friends and loved ones.

But like what they, life must go on, and we should adapt. We can still celebrate the season happily. Modern technology provides ways to communicate with our loved ones during tough times.

The Same Vibe and Decorations

Some things might be different, but the vibe shall be the same. For example, many people will still decorate their homes and install Christmas lights to set the mood. These decors and lanterns will make the house look livelier throughout the Yuletide season. Through these simple acts, they can still feel the Christmas spirit.

Reduced Holiday Spending

Christmas shopping usually happens throughout the year, but consumers are more active during November and December. They typically buy gifts, decorations, and ingredients early so that they can avoid the long lines during the rush hours of the days before Christmas.

Because many people have lost their jobs and others were forced to work from home, their budget for Christmas will be affected. Some will reduce their budget for gifts and food, while others will probably skip the gift-giving and the Christmas Eve feast part.

Online Countdown with Friends and Family

Christmas decorations in room

Because of social media and other online platforms, people can still be together virtually during the Christmas countdown. A video call or conference call is enough to celebrate the occasion together, even if they are thousands of miles away from one another. They can still say Hi, laugh, send virtual hugs, and kiss one another. It will somehow feel like they are in the same room.

Celebrating special occasions won’t be the same, at least while there is a pandemic. If we can, we should look for alternative ways to have fun and enjoy, even if it means not being able to see and hold one another personally.




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