The Solo Living Experience: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

independent woman

You finally did it! You’ve escaped the clutches of living under the rules of restrictive family members, annoying roommates and curfew-loving college dormitories. Living alone is a rollercoaster ride to freedom, where you finally have a place to call your own. The journey starts even before you step into your new apartment, from the actual decision and commitment to independent living and signing the lease to hiring an interior design firm and putting up a system for monthly rent payments. But everything will be worth it once you get a taste of solo living, or will it? Here are some realisations one gets after being a lone ranger for a considerable amount of time.

Peace and quiet are prime real estate.

There’s nothing like coming home to a quiet apartment after a stressful day at work. You’re free to kick off your shoes, light a scented candle, and lounge around on the couch while watching Netflix and do other stress-relieving activities.

Screaming toddlers, ringing phones and talkative siblings are things of the past. You can also turn up the volume of your favourite playlist or sing on the top of your lungs without anyone complaining about the noise. The freedom is exhilarating as you try activities that were not allowed when you’re living with another person.

You’re the king of your space.

No one is there to tell you yes or no on what you can do with your apartment. If you think you need a bean bag for chilling out or hang a bunch of posters of your celebrity crush, you’re free to your heart’s content. You also get to find out your design preferences and the boundaries you are comfortable with. People visiting your place are the ones bound to the rules you impose instead of the other way around. The solo living experience provides an opportunity to learn more about yourself.

man relaxing

Clutter creeps up fast.

Didn’t you just clean yesterday? Why are there lots of dust, hair fall and trash on the floor again? Without your parent cleaning up after you, you’ll soon realise how fast clutter accumulates. To maintain a level of cleanliness, make sure you have a designated spot for all of your things and throw away stuff you don’t need. If you’re lazy to mop and sweep, scheduling a monthly cleaning service also helps. This is why they say being a homemaker is hard work.

You’re on your own when you’re sick.

If you’re used to mum’s special chicken soup and being woken up to take medicine, then you’re in for a wild ride when you get sick. Living alone means no one is there to take care of your needs but yourself. So, think and plan what you’ll do in case you’re down with the flu. Stock up on the necessary medications and remedies, and make sure you have an ice pack, thermometer and other equipment that can make your time as a sick patient a short one.

Bills are expensive.

Living costs money in this world, and it’s especially hard if you have no one to split the expenses. You have bills for water, electricity, internet and association dues if you’re living in a condominium unit. If you don’t pay them regularly, you’ll have an even worse time trying to get the service to reconnect. On the flip side, you’ll be more motivated and committed to the hustle because of its direct effect on your lifestyle.
Living alone is a rewarding experience despite the challenges it poses. You will learn a lot about yourself, develop life skills and build a kind of resilience needed for the modern world.




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