Tools and Gadgets That Can Help Make Your Spring Cleaning Easier

women cleaning

When you’re maintaining your home during winter, you probably hire professionals to do the work. You call for a snow removal service; after all, shoveling all the snow in your backyard for hours can hurt your back. You probably also hire technicians to fix frozen pipes, replace your water heater, or clean your gutters. The opposite, however, happens during spring cleaning—you likely do all the housework.

Sure, you can hire cleaning professionals to deep-clean your carpet or flooring. But for everything else, you do the work probably because spring cleaning has become your simple tradition to freshen up your home after the cold season. And besides, spring cleaning checklists don’t usually include heavy lifting and working under harsh weather. Still, when little tasks pile up, spring cleaning can be tiring and difficult.

If you want to take the “work” out of housework this spring, you have to be smart about it. Here are some tools, gadgets, and other items that can make spring cleaning easier, faster, and even more enjoyable.

Glass Spray Bottles

Decent-sized glass pray bottles are a must-have for your spring-cleaning arsenal. That’s especially true if you’re fond of using homemade cleaning solutions. Just make sure that each bottle has a label. If you’re up for it, create stylish labels that include the name, recipe, and instructions. That way, you won’t mix them up, and you no longer have to look up the recipe and instructions again when it’s to make more.

Microfiber Cloths

Think of how much you can accomplish with a damp microfiber cloth. You can easily dust, wipe down surfaces, clean up messes, and so much more. Microfiber cloths are made from small fibers, making them a superior cleaning tool as they can penetrate cracks and crevices’ that paper towels and cotton cloths can’t reach. Plus, microfiber cloths are fairly inexpensive; you won’t mind buying a bunch in one go.

Extendable Duster

Hanging lamps are great additions to any home. They look stylish, industrial, and minimalist. But if there’s one downside to having these lamps, it’s the fact that they can be difficult to clean and maintain. You can say the same thing when you’re trying to dust ceiling fans or reach under couches. But don’t fret. You can now buy an extendable duster that can pivot in any way to make dusting easier, faster, and less tiring. When you’re done cleaning, you can remove and toss the microfiber cover in the laundry bag.

robot vacuum

Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Does vacuuming your tile, laminate, or hardwood flooring sound tiring? Let a robot do the work for you. Robot vacuum cleaners are often self-charging and smooth-cleaning devices. Some even have a mop option and features that deal with pet hair specifically. With a robot vacuum cleaner, you can take one or two tasks off your spring-cleaning checklist and gain more cleaning time for other areas in your home.

Microwave Oven Steam Cleaner

Cleaning the microwave oven isn’t a cakewalk. Just imagine the crud, debris, and other dirt that has accumulated in your oven over the past few weeks or months. But thanks to popular steam cleaners, you can quickly turn a dirty microwave oven into a fresh, clean one. It’s simple to use these cleaners. Just fill a steam cleaner with water and vinegar and then place it in the microwave. After a few minutes, using a microfiber cloth, you can quickly wipe down all the dirt and stains that have come off inside the oven.

Retractable Fridge Bins

If unorganized, refrigerators can be difficult to clean, not to mention they’re not a good sight to see. If you’re looking for an item or tool to re-organize your fridge, go for retractable acrylic fridge bins. These bins are great for grouping similar items together and reducing chaos in your refrigerator. And since they are retractable, you can easily get items in the back rather than reaching way back in the fridge and risking your milk cartons and other containers to spill.

Power Scrubber

Do you usually spend hours scrubbing your bathroom floors and walls? Say goodbye to manual scrubbing and clean your bathroom faster with the help of a power scrubber. Most power scrubbers in the market today can deliver about 60 scrubs per second. Plus, they can clean hard-to-reach areas around your bathroom. Some even come with multiple brush attachments to suit your different cleaning needs.

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to take days and weeks, and it shouldn’t drain your energy. With these cleaning tools and gadgets, you can save some precious time and energy. You can then spend the rest of spring with your loved ones, enjoying the warm weather and overall happiness that this season brings.




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