Simple Ways to Make Your Office an Environmentally Friendly Space

Solar power enerhy being installed

Eco-friendly policies in an office do not only look great for the company, but it is also beneficial to the employees. By going green, employees are more productive, and they can focus on their duties more. Don’t you know that employees work better when they are surrounded by plants? Or that employers save more money when the workers know how to recycle and use refillable coffee filters?

But the first thing that any office manager needs to do is to save on energy cost. To do that in a commercial building, durable commercial window film needs to be installed on all windows of the office. This will keep the temperature inside the room more balanced, helping to push energy cost down. It will also prevent the sun’s rays from getting into the room and causing discolouration on the office furniture. Once this is done, you can now focus on creating an eco-friendly space inside the office. Here are some simple things that you can do:

Go Paperless

It is the digital age, after all. Why are you still printing reports, charts, and graphs? Even during meetings, you can use tablets, laptops, smartphones, and digital projectors to present reports and discuss various issues concerning the business. Print only the documents that you need to. If you’re afraid of hacking and phishing, invest in a digital security system that will protect all your data.


If you do have to print anything, make sure to recycle them and not just shred them into pieces (unless the information is company secret). Create a recycling area on one corner of the office and encourage your employees to put their recyclables in that bin. Next, contact a recycling facility that can pick up the recyclable materials that you have gathered.

Grow Plants

Do you know that you can grow succulents inside your office? Unlike regular plants, succulents don’t need much caring. They hardly need water; they need only a bit of sun once in a while. They are the easiest plants to grow. They help in producing more oxygen in a room. Therefore, you’ll find that with succulents scattered around the office, the air is better and your employees are less sickly.

Use Sustainable Materials

Instead of using disposable napkins, coffee filters, and plastic straws, why not opt for reusable ones? By simply changing into more sustainable office supplies, you can lower the amount of hazardous waste and trash that your office produces. If you don’t have the budget right now to go all-the-way green, you can focus on the simpler areas such as the employee pantry and the paper supplies.

Embrace Renewable Energy

Shredding paper

How much does your energy bill cost your business? Thankfully, renewable power sources are more accessible than ever. You can tap the wind or solar power with just a couple of installations. Talk with a renewable energy company so that they can help you decide which natural source of energy you can tap based on your office’s location.

Being more environmentally friendly doesn’t need to cost thousands of dollars. Most of the time, it’s the simplest things that can change the way the office affects the environment. The important thing is to be on the same page with your employees regarding the company’s vision for a greener future. Everyone should do their part.




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