How to Make a Profit From Fixer-Uppers

There’s a reason fixer-uppers are so popular — they offer the potential for big profits. But it’s important to understand each strategy’s basics before diving in. You should have ample knowledge of the subject matter and a solid business plan.

The key to making a profit from fixer-uppers is doing your research. You need to understand the local market, what kind of repairs are needed, and how much they will cost. If you’re not familiar with the area, consider hiring a real estate agent or property inspector to help you out.

Once you have a firm understanding of the market and the repairs needed, you can start to think about which strategy will be most profitable. In this article, we’ll explore four different ways to make a profit from fixer-uppers: flipping, holding, and renting out.

Fix and Flip

If you’re handy with a hammer and have some basic home repair skills, you may want to consider fixing and flipping properties. This strategy aims to buy a property that needs some work, fix it up, and then sell it for a profit.

The biggest advantage of flipping is that it can be done relatively quickly. You can often buy a property, do the repairs, and sell it all within a few months. This strategy is also relatively low-risk, as you’re not committed to the property for the long term.

Estimate the cost of the repairs:

Usually, properties bought to be flipped require some major repair work. Before making an offer on a property, getting a realistic estimate of the repair costs is important. This will help you determine whether the property is a good deal.

Remember to clear out the property first:

When fixing and flipping a property, it’s important to clear out any and all belongings before starting repairs. This will ensure that the contractor has easy access to the property and doesn’t have to worry about moving any furniture or other items. It can be helpful to hire a residential clearance service to help you with this process. They will be able to quickly and efficiently clear out the property so that repairs can begin.

Set a timeline:

It’s important to set a realistic timeline for the repairs. This will help you stay on track and avoid any delays. Keep in mind that some repairs may take longer than others. For example, replacing a roof is a big job that will likely take several weeks to complete.

Stacks of filled boxes in an empty house

Buy and Hold

Buy and hold is a real estate investing strategy in which a property is purchased with the intention of holding it for a long period, typically several years. During this time, the property is rented out to tenants, and the owner collects rent payments. The goal is to sell the property for a profit eventually.

There are several advantages to buying and holding. First, it’s a relatively low-risk strategy since you’re not actively working on the property. Second, it can be a steady source of income, as you’ll receive monthly rent payments. And third, you’ll have time to wait for the market to improve before selling the property.


Unlike buying and holding, renting a property is a more hands-on investment strategy. As the owner, you’ll be responsible for finding tenants, collecting rent, and maintaining the property.

Renting out can be a great way to generate income from your fixer-upper. However, it’s important to remember that this is a long-term strategy. You won’t see any immediate profits, as the rent payments cover the mortgage and other expenses.

On the other hand, rentals have the advantage of being relatively low-maintenance. Once the initial repairs are made, you won’t have to do much work on the property unless there’s an issue with the tenant. Renting out a fixer-upper can be a great way to generate passive income.

Lease Optioning

A lease option is a real estate investing strategy in which a property is leased to a tenant with the option to buy it later. The idea is that the tenant will eventually buy the property, either through a cash payment or by taking out a mortgage. For property owners, it’s a good way to make a profit because they can sell the property for more than the lease payments.

Lease optioning is a good strategy for fixer-uppers because it doesn’t require a lot of work upfront. You won’t have to make any repairs until the tenant decides to buy the property. And even then, they may be able to get a mortgage to cover the costs.


There are many ways to make a profit from fixer-uppers. You can fix and flip a property, buy and hold it, rent it out, or lease option it. By understanding the basics of each strategy, you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you.




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