Mold Problems at Home: Understanding the Health Dangers of Mold

Black mold buildup in the corner of an old house

Mold is the fungi that grow in your home when moisture and humidity combine to form an environment conducive to their development. You often see them in the basement, in your walls and cupboards, and underneath the sink.

When molds grow, they slowly eat through the materials that make up your house. Just like termites, they can eat through wallpapers, drywall, wooden studs, carpets, floorboards, and even ceiling tiles. The damage can be so great that it can weaken the support structure of your property.

But before molds can wreck a whole house, they can already do some significant damage to your family’s health. If you knew the dangers they can bring to the health of your family, you would probably be on the phone with mold removal experts in Denver, CO right now.

From allergic reactions to brain damage

Studies show that living in an indoor environment where there is mold can lead to the development of respiratory problems, such as nose and throat swelling or pain, coughing, wheezing, allergic reactions, and asthma. You may initially think of these as symptoms of a common cold, but find out later on that these are due to the growing mold in your home.

Health experts say molds can also affect the nervous system and lead to brain damage in worst cases. Toxic mold syndrome is what they refer to the black mold that can cause insomnia, anxiety, memory loss, depression, and confusion.

Some people experience a severe setback with constant exposure to mold that they have to leave their jobs because they could not concentrate on their tasks anymore. This only makes it all the more important to get rid of this fungus once it has invaded your home.

How to spot mold

mold in an old house

Sometimes, it is difficult to spot mold. Then, when you do, the fungi you see could be just the tip of the iceberg and a huge colony could already be living within your walls. If you want to spot mold before it can be a big nuisance, start with what you already know.

  • Does it often flood in your house? – If your house is prone to flooding, check every nook and cranny for mold spores because they thrive in moisture and damp spaces.
  • Do you have areas in your house that are often damp? – Maybe your house does not flood frequently, but you might have a basement that often feels moist because some of your pipes leak water. If so, check it for mold.
  • Do you notice any musty smells lately? – If you smell something musty or damp near your walls, bathroom, attic, or any other area, chances are you have mold growing inside your home.
  • Do you see mold spores in corner walls? – If you happen to see mold spores starting to grow on your walls, call someone to break down your wall and get rid of those fungi right away. If the mold spores start to seep through the walls, it means you have a huge colony living inside your home.
  • Are you feeling sick? – Are you finding it hard to breathe? Have you been experiencing nosebleeds? Do not let it get to this point.

If you notice these signs, call a mold removal expert right away. If you are at this point and you are feeling sick, the mold has already invaded your body. It is curable, but do not let it get to this point because you can easily avoid mold growth if you look for the signs above.




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