Extra Measures to Prevent Theft

thief entering a house

Is this your first time in a new neighbourhood, and you’re concerned about the possibility of being the victim of a burglar or thief? It’s important to understand that simply locking your door won’t be enough to keep the intruders out. While most break-ins occur during the daytime when individuals are at work or out doing errands, the FBI reports increasing over the summer.

Another intriguing fact is that every measure you take to keep them at bay is worth it because most thieves want to get in and out in less than 10 minutes.

Don’t leave your home unprotected while you’re on vacation. Protect your house from the outside, inside, and while you’re out by following these easy precautions.

Installing a Security System

Having a security system installed will help keep intruders out and safeguard all of your priceless possessions. No matter what kind of DIY framework you use, whether it’s cutting-edge home automation or enlisting skilled security professionals, it’s a promising investment. Consult with the local police for further guidance on crime rates in your neighborhood to know the best security system for your home.

Bolted Windows

Doors and windows are the only points of entrance for criminals unless they intend to drill a hole in the wall, which is why homeowners should always fasten and secure them. Some windows, on the other hand, have flimsy hooks and break easily. If you think anyone with a tool can damage your windows, you should rethink your safety system. Call a window installation company and include key-operated switches, security films, window bars, or additional sensors.

Don’t Overlook the Garage

Criminals are increasingly using this point of access into people’s homes. Also, even if they can’t get into your home, your garage is likely to be filled with valuables. Make it a practice to secure the garage’s doors from the inside and the outside.

Placing your garage door opener inside your home is another option. That way, a thief won’t be able to steal it from your vehicle. You should also have a security code to access the garage, but keep it hidden and be wary when entering it; neighbors, delivery people, or other strangers might be wandering near.

Install Exterior and Interior Motion-sensing Lights

Use motion-sensing led lights to turn a standard bulb and socket into sensors for lights that sense movement. You can also screw an adapter that detects motion between a socket and a regular bulb. Outside, they’ll shine a light on anyone who happens to be checking out your property, which may deter some would-be burglars. Indoor models will make it more difficult for them to move about unnoticed if they do wander inside.

Brilliant Exteriors

The risk of getting caught is something that thieves scorn. Adding lights to the perimeter of your property and leaving them on at night will discourage would-be burglars at all costs. Not only would robbers be less likely to target your house if you add more light fixtures, but you’ll also avoid tripping over a few stairs after dark. Motion-activated lights provide advanced protection.

Install Surveillance Cameras

installing a surveillance camera

The use of security cameras to catch thieves and porch pirates is nothing new. You might have even seen plenty of videos on social media. Deterrence and justice are both addressed by this home security system. Alarm systems often include cameras, but you can also buy standalone cameras. Alarm systems often have cameras, but you can also purchase standalone cameras.

You may either choose a traditional security camera or one that connects to a mobile app so that you can view the footage on a real-time basis and save it for when you need to contact the authorities. Protect your cameras by taking preventative actions to keep out hackers.

Place All Your Valuables in a Safe Place

Don’t show off your pricey possessions ostentatiously. Keep them locked up or inside the garage when you’re not using your tools, motorcycles, or other easily accessed equipment. Use window coverings such as blinds or curtains to keep onlookers from taking a peek inside. Similarly, when you’re not using expensive goods, store them away. Never leave valuables such as cash, jewelry, electronics, or personal papers unattended. Preserve your most priceless possessions and documents in your home.

If the worst comes and an unwanted burglar breaks into your home, resist the urge to walk inside to see if the intruder is still there. You should contact the authorities as soon as possible, either from your mobile phone or your neighbor’s home. Also, don’t forget to keep your hands off of anything. When it comes to solving crimes, fingerprints are a valuable tool.




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