Making the Move: Office Relocation Made Easy


Transferring your operations to a new office may give your business the edge or advantage you have been looking for. You may be moving to a better location, or somewhere that does not charge very high rent. Regardless, moving to a new office is very much like residential relocation. It can be stressful, and it needs a great deal of time. You cannot do the whole relocation process in one day.

Whether your company is big or small, keep in mind that it takes a lot of work and time; probably for a few weeks or months. But when you have planned things carefully and considered the pitfalls that you are supposed to avoid, you are basically facilitating a smooth move. Here are some things you can do to make moving day easier for you and your staff.

Create committees.

To make moving much easier, you may want to delegate tasks to your employees. But if you want to make it more efficient, create committees. Each of them will take care of a specific area of the move. For example, one committee will be assigned to look for a moving company and do related tasks. Another committee may be involved with the packing of the office items, and others may be tasked with the disposal of the unnecessary items. That way, you will be able to move fast.

Work with the right moving partner.


You cannot expect your staff to move everything. You need to find and rent vehicles that will help facilitate the move. It would be wise to move everything in one go. In this case, you should find a moving partner. However, consider that not all moving companies are the same. Some specialize in residential moving, while others focus on commercial moving. In this case, go for the latter.

Review the rules for your new office space.

The rules and regulations of your new office space should be studied carefully, especially when it comes to storing your items. Your new building may not allow certain objects or machines, and they may have rules on how many movers are only permitted to enter the premises. Moreover, check your due diligence before signing the lease, especially if you’re getting the entire property. Check if you could bring in your chosen team of commercial mowers, cleaners, and even maintenance staff.

Settle all the legalities and contracts.

Before you finally leave your old office, make sure that all legal documents with your old landlords are already settled. You are also supposed to change the address in your new business cards, envelopes, letterheads, and websites. Also, inform your credit card companies, suppliers, partners, and customers about the move.

You’re ready for a new start!

Once you have made all the moving preparations, you will find that there are still some little things you need to do, such as cleaning the new office and arranging the items. When you are all done with this, you are off to a fresh start. It’s going to be hopeful and exciting!




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