Infestation Alert! Stopping Infestation the Natural Way


Your home is a place you will find comfort and peace, but you are not the only one who finds it that way. Even now, hundreds of pests could be living in your property, but you wouldn’t know it. So what makes your home attractive to these pests?

Pests like places that are warm, moist, and could provide protection and shelter from the elements. And many of them find the most appealing areas in your basement, attic, and even in-between the walls. Unfortunately, many of us don’t do regular maintenance and cleaning in these areas. And one of the most dangerous infestations you might find are termites.

Termites are among the most destructive household pests and unfortunately, the hardest to eliminate. These pests cause significant damage to your property’s structural integrity and wooden pieces. In most cases, you only notice that your property is termite-infested when it is too late to act. And even when you do a thorough cleaning of your home, which could include removing your furniture and doing some carpet cleaning, your efforts might go to waste.

There are many store-bought chemicals used for termite control. Efficiently getting rid of termites, however, needs different termite control techniques employed by any pest-control firm. More often than not, chemical termite control treatments are used with other non-chemical strategies to bolster their efficacy. Here are some of these non-chemical methods.


These microscopic roundworms infect the digestive tracts of termites. These parasites feed off the termite until it dies. Nematodes do not affect plants, pets, and humans. They are hence a safe and efficient alternative for boosting the efficiency of your chemical treatments.


Several species of fungi are lethal to termites and act like natural poisons. One of these is the metarhizium anisopliae. This has spores that slowly poison the termites. The spores are also spread from one termite to another and, over time, will kill an entire termite colony. Fortunately, most of the fungi used to poison termites are harmless to human and pet life.

Sand Barriers

Sand cannot be tunneled through by termites and contains no moisture to support termite proliferation, unlike other building materials. Sand barriers are hence often used in fencing posts, crawl spaces, and termite hot spots to barricade properties from termites. The barriers will also prove useful in stopping a termite infestation from spreading.

Aloe Vera and Castor Oil

aloe vera

You could also use natural solutions to remove termites. Use aloe vera and mix it with water. Spray it in the area of activity, and it can disrupt their activities. You could also use castor oil to remove them. Mix the castor oil with its seeds and leaves in water. Let it soak for 24 hours and use it as a spray against termites.

A simple application of the chemicals touted as useful will not do much for your property’s termite control. You could consult an expert if you want to make sure that the infestation is controlled, but you also need to make sure that future infestations will not happen. If you use these natural repellents against termites, you can protect your home. With these strategies, the chemical treatments will have the best results.




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