How to Start a Garden: Creating an Oasis for Wildlife


Animals are going extinct and humans are to blame.

As the population continues to increase around the world, places that have previously been habitat to wildlife have been flattened to accommodate more houses and to harvest more resources.

You can do something. If you have a yard, you can help by providing a sanctuary where wildlife can thrive within the city. Here’s how.

Plant Plants

Cities are notoriously very gray and made mostly of concrete. There is no space for vegetation to grow.

Where there are plants or trees, wildlife will cease to exist.

So, the first thing on your agenda should be to turn your yard into an oasis. Grow plants and trees around the area. If you do not have a green thumb, you can call professionals for help. A local tree surgeon can guide you to cultivate and maintain woody plants. You may also hire a landscaper to transform your yard into a lush garden.

It is, however, recommended that you grow trees and plants that are native to your state. They are more resilient because they have adapted to weather changes and are accustomed to the condition of the soil. More importantly, they provide food and shelter to fauna.

Provide Pollen

Bees are dying around the world at an alarming rate. It is a huge problem because, alongside butterflies and other insects, bees are pollinators. They spread pollen which plants need to reproduce. Without bees, humanity can expect food shortages in the future.

In your garden, you need to make space for flowers. Flowers are not only good to make your yard beautiful and fragrant, but they also provide pollen and nectar for the bees


Water Well

In the middle of the city, especially during the summer, animals could suffer from heat exhaustion. They, too, need to drink water as a relief from the increasingly hot weather.

Ponds are good additions in gardens. They are relaxing to look at, and they provide water to parched wildlife.

If having a pond is not possible, birdbaths and shallow puddles will also help animals passing through. Many species get water from wet soil so running your sprinkler or a garden hose will give insects, including butterflies, drinking water.

Safe Shelter

Having trees, shrubs, and other plants in your garden provides shelter that hides insects and smaller animals from predators.

However, if you have pets, it is best to keep them indoors or on a leash whenever they are out, especially in the garden. Pets might pose a threat to other animals. Your furry friends might chase the fauna away or accidentally harm them.

In addition, you should put up bird and toad houses around to give the little creatures a place to live in peace.

What Not to Do

Do not leave out food scraps outdoors. It might attract animals that you may want to avoid, like rats. You should also avoid feeding animals that contain capsaicin, a substance found in spicy food.

Finally, do not use pesticides. If you want to take care of your plants, there are other ways to ward of pests without harming the planet and killing insects.

It is possible for humans to co-exist with nature. In cities, providing a small patch of green in the middle of the concrete jungle can help wildlife survive.




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