Home Renovation During COVID-19: What to Do When It’s Stalled

home renovation

Home renovations can be exciting for a homeowner—from updating the look of rooms to working with various contractors, it is thrilling to see your vision of your ideal home come to life.

The downside is that home renovation comes with delays that could cause you to go over budget. That is especially the case with the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. This unexpected crisis forced some businesses to limit operations.

The pandemic might have forced your contractor to halt the project. It leaves the site with dust and debris, as well as unfinished projects.

It’s natural to worry about your project during these uncertain times, but rethinking your renovation plans can ease a bit of quarantine stress.

Reevaluate the renovation project

Stalled renovations mean you won’t be rushing the project to completion. Look at the site and identify errors or areas of improvement you wouldn’t have noticed before.

See how else you can optimize the project. Would it be better to add an extra wardrobe, or does the kitchen need a new island? Consult with your general contractor for additional insights. See quarantine as an opportunity to make strategic decisions so that you’ll be happier with the finished project.

Organize the space

man drilling wood

Ideally, your contractors will take care of the space before they leave your home. However, quarantine protocols might prevent them from going to your site.

In this case, you might need to organize the space yourself. Here’s what you can do to ensure the safety of the area until the contractors return:

  • Close air vents: Keep the site’s air vents closed to minimize the transfer of dust and debris. You can also replace their filters to keep clean air circulating.
  • Create a temporary plastic wall: Create an airtight plastic wall sealed with tape to prevent dust from circulating the site and other parts of the home.
  • Eliminate potential hazards: Cover open piping and bend exposed nails and screws. Create a clear walking path by setting aside tools and materials that could cause tripping. Cover countertops and fixtures to prevent damage.

Make sure to don masks and protective gear when organizing the renovation site. Doing so prevents dirt and debris from spreading outside the work area.

Don’t do it yourself

It can be tempting to finish the renovation yourself. However, it’s best to leave the project alone. Contractors have already started the project, and they have drawn up a method for completing it. Going DIY might mean more work for them when you return to the site.

However, if the project you want to tackle hasn’t been started yet, you can start on it. Make sure to run it by with your contractor first. They’ll usually allow you to work on renovation projects that don’t require professional work, like painting or DIY storage.

Having your renovation project halted might seem like an additional layer of stress on top of the pandemic, but it doesn’t have to be for long. Take a few moments to calm yourself down and use these tips to rethink your project. By staying calm and doing what you can, given the circumstances, you could end up with a renovation that’s better than your initial plans.




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