Eco-friendly Home: Crafty Sustainable Upgrades to Try

eco friendly household items

Off the bat, the effects of global warming can be truly overwhelming. With the ozone layer growing mass, we’re certainly becoming hotter as the years go by. Fortunately, you can lessen its impact and help save Mother Earth just by choosing to be sustainable when it comes to home improvements. Yes, you heard that right. It’s about time you pay attention to a long-term investment via a short-term goal—classic win-win.

It may not seem like it, but buildings emit greenhouse gasses. They generate 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions annually. Most of these are because of what we use in our homes, like heating that impacts the environment. With the world experiencing much crisis, having a sustainable home is a great way to change one’s quality of life while helping the environment.

Information is easily passed thanks to the internet. Compared to the past years, many people nowadays are well-informed about the importance of taking care of our Mother Earth. Thus, more people are willing to invest in eco-friendly home upgrades. And this can lead to an increase in home value, with buyers willing to spend on “green” homes.

There are many ways to start and incorporate sustainable building practices. From eco-friendly materials to energy-saving appliances, there are many choices you can make. If you are interested in living in a home without feeling guilty about all the comfort, here are some sustainable options you can dive right in.

Eco-friendly Paint Makes a Big Difference

When you’re thinking about home upgrades, paint is one of the first things we mostly have in mind. Repainting is an effective way to brighten up a home and make a new life out of it without spending so much. However, a cheap and easy project can damage the environment and take a toll on you and your family’s health.

We’re talking about VOC chemicals in paint. Volatile organic compounds are hazardous chemicals normally found in inexpensive paint brands and some high-end brands. So, it’s always good to check if they are VOC-free when looking for eco-friendly paint.

VOC paints are mostly cheap because they deteriorate quickly. Not only that, they cause harm to the ecosystem by releasing hazardous fumes. They irritate the skin and can cause long-term health risks when swallowed.

Improve Your Kitchen

One of the things that makes a home attractive in the kitchen. And an eco-friendly kitchen should possess a design and system that embodies sustainability. Non-toxic materials should be used. From cabinets to flooring, all of these should be given enough attention. That’s because they mostly have added urea-formaldehyde in them that is harmful to a person’s health.

When designing your kitchen, it’s always good to take advice from experts. Consider getting the services of a licensed residential contractor for any home improvements that you will do. Sure, doing it yourself lessens your expenses, but it can be stressful. Working with professionals that deliver high-quality home improvement solutions to your property can decrease any home upgrade mistakes. And they can ensure that you have the design and space that you need the way you imagine it.

solar panels on the roof of a house

Consider Investing in Solar Power

True, installing a solar panel on your home is costly, but it can save you money on a long term basis. Why? Because you can eliminate your monthly electricity bills just by using solar energy every day. But the cost of this investment will solely depend on the size of your house. The bigger the home, the bigger the solar panel system you should install.

Think about it; every extra dollar that you spend will all be worth it in the future. Not only can it save energy, but it also increases a home’s value.

Manage How Much Energy You Should Spend

Being strict with how much energy you spend can have significant impacts on the environment. Start by tracking your energy usage on your heating and air conditioning systems. Always check and turn it off when you leave home. You can also invest in smart dishwashers and refrigerators so that you can program them to run or delay their defrost cycle. With this, you can save both energy and money in the long run.

Because this technology is still relatively new, expect that these smart appliances are expensive, but they are a worthy investment.

Indeed, be patient. Over time, these options should lessen your monthly bills far better than old-school tech does. In short, you can reap your harvest with Mother Earth smiling from ear to ear. Being sustainable at home doesn’t have to be challenging.




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