Decking Systems: When Do You Need a New One?

Teak wood furniture stand on the terrace

Do you have a deck at home? It’s such an amazing area where you can relax or entertain guests. Sometimes, though, the deck becomes worn out due to continuous usage. Of course, you don’t want to not have a deck at home. You can either have your deck replaced or repaired. This depends on the severity of the problem. Either way, great decking systems must be installed. With that, here are the signs you need a deck replacement or repair.

First Things You Might Notice

Some deck posts are made of wood, which is susceptible to rotting. You might want to check them to be sure if there’s moisture or rotting. Wooden posts aren’t made to stand pressure unlike newer types of decks that can. Replace the deck posts if they’re already rotten.

Another problem you might encounter is when the railings are shaking. This is hazardous to kids and senior citizens. While the deck won’t fall due to faulty railings, consider having it replaced or repaired for the benefit of children and seniors.

A ledger board is a component attaching the deck to the house. It has to be as secure as possible. The deck can fall off without a secured ledger board. Due to that, you should check your ledger board regularly. Have it replaced or repaired when necessary.

Other Things You Should Look Into

The posts of the deck are situated under the rim joist or beams. The posts give a lot of their weight to the beams so the fastener must be intact to keep it safe. A galvanized carriage bolt must be used to secure it. Without it, your deck is a candidate for replacement or repair.

The deck should be firm when you walk on it. It’s an area where you put a lot of pieces like chairs and tables so it must be stable. A wobbling deck board is a no-no. Look for signs if your deck has become wobbly so you can have it replaced immediately.

One day, your deck will reach its lifespan and you’ll have to replace it. You need to do that when it’s clear that the whole structure is in a collapse. You may not be a professional, but you’ll see. The signs are obvious. This is when all of the parts are dilapidated. You’ll also notice that there’s already infestation or is beginning to. Other than that, you should also be mindful if your deck isn’t violating any building laws from where you live.

Final Check

Residential backyard deck overlooking lawn and lake

Though not exactly a cause for a new deck, you can also see signs of aging when your deck begins to have stains. If there aren’t many, you can use a simple formula using mild detergent and water. The deck should be secured to avoid accidents. Loose screws and nails might cause untoward incidents like wounds or ripping off someone’s clothes. When left unattended, it can lead to more serious problems like collapsing.

Your deck is a spot where you can have fun with family and friends. Let it be a safe area in your property. Look out for signs of aging and repair or replacement so you can use it safely.




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