Carpet Cleaning Problems and Solutions

Vacuuming very dirty carpet in house

Carpets are made from ‘plucked’ fabric. Common pollutants, such as dust and pollen, can get trapped in the carpet, leading to allergic reactions. But don’t worry because you can always get excellent carpet cleaning services in Streatham and other locations.

Reading this guide will benefit you as the following will be answered:

  • Should you not use carpets in your house if you have asthma and allergies?
  • What are the pollutants that get trapped in carpets?
  • Can regular cleaning damage the carpet?
  • What’s the best solution for cleaning carpets?
  • How can carpet cleaners help you?

Carpets and Airborne Contaminants

Airborne contaminants bring sickness to people. Others believe that carpets contribute to allergies and asthma in people, but it’s not always true. If you have asthma or allergies, it doesn’t mean that carpets should be excluded in your home.

Here’s a justification. Carpets have the ability to capture allergen-causing pollutants in the air. So, it’s wrong to think that carpets trigger asthma. However, catching sickness depends on the situation. If you don’t clean your carpet, there’s a higher chance that you’ll get sick.

If you have no time to clean your carpets, hire a dependable carpet cleaner. This will help you save time and effort so that you can handle other important matters.

Pollutants in the Carpet

Here are the common pollutants that settle in your carpet:

  • leftover food and beverage spills
  • dust, soil, and pollen from outdoors
  • skin cells and strands of hair (human and pets)
  • pet wastes
  • insect waste
  • tiny living and dead critters

Vacuuming Carpets

The best way to clean the carpet is by using a vacuum cleaner. But other people think that regular vacuuming may damage the carpet. Interestingly, modern carpets are synthetically manufactured and they can endure frequent vacuuming.

If you’re a busy person, you might be tempted to skip cleaning your carpet if you see that it doesn’t look filthy. You should avoid this practice. There might be lots of tiny pollutants, especially germs if you haven’t vacuumed your carpet for a long time. Clean your carpets regularly to protect the health of your family.

Carpet Cleaning Products

Fluffy Carpet On Laminate Floor

Stained carpets can cause problems. Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda is primarily used for baking because it has leavening properties, by producing carbon dioxide. Other people use it for eradicating bad odor. Some households use this to clean their carpets. You must avoid doing it as baking soda has a whitening property and will leave residue on your carpet. According to experts, sodium bicarbonate brings the chemical reaction to the carpet.

Bleach is a cleaning product, but it’s not ideal for cleaning carpets. Why? It speeds up the process of losing the original color of your carpet.

The best cleaning products for carpets are those that you can find in the market — powders, foams, sprays, and shampoos that are specifically manufactured for carpets. Some carpet cleaning products will not require you to use water during the cleaning process. Instead, you will just use your vacuum unit, and your carpet becomes clean.

If you hire a professional carpet cleaner, there’s always a guarantee that all the nasty substances embedded on your carpets will be eradicated effectively. Sometimes, you need to focus at work when there’s a tight deadline. If you need help because you want your home to become safe for your family all the time, you can always find the best carpet cleaners in your area.




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