Brighten Up a Dark Room with these Hacks

modern room with dark colors

Do you think your room is too dark? If this is so, it may seem smaller than it is, and it creates a gloomy mood that may have a negative effect on your day. There are ways to brighten up this kind of space. Experts from an architectural firm here in Park City cite the following hacks to achieve this objective.

Paint the Walls and Ceiling with White Paint

The easiest and affordable way to brighten up a room is to paint it white. Its neutral color allows light to fill a room quickly. It brightens corners and highlights certain parts and furniture in a room. You might need fewer lights or just natural light to make a white room look brighter.

The improved lighting uplifts your mood and has a positive impact on your day.

Dark Colors are Only Good for Accents

A dark room doesn’t need more dark colors. If you want you like dark hues, make sure you only use them as accents. Use saturated hues for areas that you want visitors to see or because you want to use it for a specific purpose. These colors are ideal for a single wall or part of a room.

This design hack improves the lighting of rooms.

Wood Flooring

If you want to improve the lighting of a room, use light wood flooring. Its light color blends well with white paint. This type of flooring brightens up a space and breathes life into it. This flooring is also ideal for rooms that see a lot of foot traffic because they hide scratches.

Place Area Rugs on the Floor

bedroom interior

Hardwood pieces that come in dark tones or laminate are popular home additions because of the style they bring. However, these also drain the light out of a room. If you still want to keep this aesthetic, place light-colored rugs to distinguish between the richness of the dark colors and the airiness of a well-lit space.

Install Shiny Objects

Shiny objects such as mirrors, glass or gold doorknobs, silver frames and chandeliers allow light to reflect to different parts of a room. For example, place a mirror opposite a window, and you’ll quickly see the difference in the lighting. Place these objects or pieces of furniture in various parts of a room.

Reduce Furniture

Heavy pieces of furniture do not only take up space but also has a negative effect on lighting. A crowded room feels overwhelming and packed in, making you feel like you are in the dark. To improve lighting, get rid of clunky items and replace them with smoother and sleeker pieces. When choosing furniture, pick light-colored ones to make a space look airy and fresh.

Find a Balance

Like in many things, balance is beautiful. The play of light and dark brings out the best in a room and highlights furniture you want noticed or part of the room you invested creatively in. Keep a room well-lit but allow shadows to accent it.

These are some ways to improve a room’s lighting and make it look fresh and airy. Try some of these to identify which approach works best for you.




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